Capitol Views and Historic Events in the Years AFter Construction
In the years following construction of the Minnesota State Capitol, the building became an orienting landmark and the place where Minnesotans gathered to express their opinions to lawmakers and to one another.

This is a photograph of a Rosary Rally against Communism in Europe that took place on the Capitol grounds in 1958. This was part of a larger movement organized by Catholic priest Rev. Patrick Peyton.
For more information on the 1958 Rally see: http://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2011/02/rallies-rotunda-make-capitol-history
and see also http://www.familyrosaryprocession.org/doc/Procession_History%5B1%5D.htm
For information about Rev. Patrick Peyton see: Father Patrick Peyton Rosary Rally October 1958
Image courtesy Minnesota Historical Society. Used with permission.